The Eighth Astrological House - Idle Place

© 2000 Curtis Manwaring  [ << ] [ >> ]

The Eighth House: Also known as the idle place and the place of death. [27] This place has to do with the dismantling of the physical body because this sign is in aversion to the rising sign which is about life and breath. Yet is has been my observation that during life, it represents the passing of those close to you. Of course, you can only die once (in a given lifetime for those who believe in reincarnation). Paulus states; "It [the 8th] signifies the completion of life. This place is established as dysfunctional, and when benefics happen to be upon this place, they make for profits from deaths, for they give inheritances, and they show those who profit from deadly motives". [28] It gives signs for your finances and property including insurance, banking, and taxes. On a metaphysical level it represents our attitudes about sharing.

If we compare this place with the 2nd and 5th houses, we see that having resources (2nd) becomes challenged by the 5th which is spending. The result of all of this is that others obtain what you have (8th). Once others have your resources, they too eventually spend it, which is represented by the 11th house and when they spend, you acquire, which is why the 11th sign is known as the place of acquisition. In part, what you have is also representative of your physical body, which is why when you are ill, it takes a tremendous toll on finances. One way or another you end up handing over your resources; part of the old saying about "death and taxes". For this reason, this place signifies where you must place your resources, either because of death or to guard against loss, such as banks (protect against theft), insurance agencies (against disaster), the IRS and other taxes (or you lose everything), and it shows your handling of credit or ability to get credit. Interestingly, the governments (10th house) place of acquisition is the 8th house of Taxes (counting 11th sign from the 10th).

Most ancient sources seem to believe that when planets are here, they have the effect of being nullified, as if they were literally "killed", or perhaps corrupted or made idle and ineffective. One exception was given which seemed strange at first; according to Valens; "The Moon alone in the increase of her light, seems to rejoice in this zoidion." [29] The reason for this appears to be that if the Moon is waxing (increasing in light) then the Sun must be near setting and therefore the Moon is coming into the nocturnal sect. Since the Moon in general signifies fortune, it can indicate benefiting from inheritance. The idea of absence seems to appear often as well, for when the lord of some other house ends up here it indicates that the issue(s) of that house are either hidden (as in the occult) or are lost, degraded, or absent. Therefore this place also often indicates what issues will be hidden, occult and mysterious.

More info on each of the planets that have dealings with this place:

The SunSun
The MoonMoon


27. Ibid. (See note 23).
28. Ibid.
29. Vettius Valens, Hellenistic astrology, Anthology, Bk II part 1 aprox. 160 A.D. © 1994 Robert Schmidt, through Project Hindsight, Published by The Golden Hind Press. See pg. 13.
30. Paulus Alexandrinus. Introductory Matters 378 A.D. © 1993 Robert Schmidt, through Project Hindsight, Published by The Golden Hind Press. See pg. 55
31. Ibid.
32. Ibid. See pgs. 55 - 56.
33. Vettius Valens. Anthology, Bk II Part 1 aprox. 160 A.D. © 1994 Robert Schmidt, through Project Hindsight, Published by The Golden Hind Press. See pg. 12.
34. Ibid.
35. Paulus Alexandrinus. Introductory Matters 378 A.D. © 1993 Robert Schmidt, through Project Hindsight, Published by The Golden Hind Press. See pg. 56.
36. Ibid.

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