Jupiter Trine or Sextile Mercury

© 2004, 2012 Curtis Manwaring

Jupiter Trine Sextile Mercury Transiting Jupiter trine or sextile your natal Mercury. This transit gives you the ability to see with greater clarity and make plans more intelligently. It is a good period for negotiating contracts and signing them, as few if any misunderstandings will be present or result from communications conducted at this time. This is also an excellent time for getting your point of view across to others as your style of argumentation is likely to be more eloquent than usual. This is also a good time for mental pursuits and puzzles that strenghten the mind as your ability to abstract is heightened. You have a good idea of what is possible when engineering solutions to problems and can get to the most parsimonious result. The elegance of your ideas are likely to impress others. It is a great time for publishing, writing and speaking before the public.

If Mercury has the times for spirit and Mercury rises before the Sun on the day of birth, it indicates opportunity in the area of education, mathematics and being introduced to the mysteries. One may meet a great teacher to guide in philosophy or religion and is given trusts and the authority to manage the affairs of nobility or higher ups. If there is a case ongoing, it often indicates the settling of legal matters except that the sextile may be too weak to accomplish this.

If Mercury is lord of your first house, you will be more blunt and forthright in expressing yourself if Mercury has the times for spirit. Your communication leaves little ambiguity or misunderstanding and it is a good indicator for enlightenment and others perceive you as wise, judicious and prudent.

If Mercury is lord of your second, this is a good time for commerce, especially if you own a business. Financially, you should be in the black particularly if Mercury has the times for fortune and also rules the 11th sign from fortune (the acquisitive place).

If lord of the 3rd, this is best for learning and the settling of legal issues. Relationships with neighbors may grow closer. Relatives will be very busy. When Mercury has the times for spirit it is an excellent time for travel and education and settling issues with neighbors, relatives and siblings.

If lord of the 4th, this is a good time to move or sell a house or buy a new one if Mercury has the times for fortune. A good time to talk to your parents, or research family history and the discovery of secrets particularly when Mercury has the times for spirit.

If lord of the 5th, you will want to express yourself more fully and will feel more creative than usual. Involvment with children is more likely. If Mercury has the times for spirit, it is an excellent time for creativity and you could produce a lot during this time. You may discover musical ability at this time or gifts in mathematics and calculations.

If lord of the 6th, affairs at work seem to go more smoothly when Mercury has the times for spirit as Jupiter enables matters to be settled more quickly. Paperwork tends to be completed ahead of schedule.

If lord of the 7th, and Mercury has the times for spirit, it is a good time to negotiate contracts and financial agreements, or prenup contracts for marriage. When it has the times for fortune, it can indicate a settlement in a legal matter if one is ongoing.

If lord of the 8th, this is a good time to ask for a loan. If Mercury has the times for spirit, settlements of old issues may come and old secrets may come to light and be revealed. Inheritance is more likely when Mercury has the times for fortune and the likelyhood of problems with an estate is diminished.

If lord of the 9th, when Mercury has the times for spirit, it is a great time for travel, philosophy and the settling of legal matters. Your mind is ready to grow. Interactions with foreigners becomes more likely.

If lord of the 10th, this may be a time when others see you as an authority in some academic area particularly when Mercury has the times for spirit and fortune is in the rising sign. Generally it is a time of advancement in career and the opening of opportunities for advancement. It is good for public speaking as words seem to come more easily.

If lord of the 11th, you may see increased involvement with organizations, particularly "think tanks". Social opportunity widens particularly when Mercury has the times for fortune; this is also good for acquisition of property and financial backing from organizations for projects you might propose.

If lord of the 12th, if Mercury has the times for spirit unconscious patterns and habbits may come to light, or mysteries may interest you more as you stumble upon secrets. You may have a tendency toward escapism. Travel is favored and more likely at this time.

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