Vedic Astrology
Title and Description
Vedic Astrology - Lesson 30 - The 36 Decanates, By G. Kumar - webmaster of Kumar explains the 36 decanates in vedic astrology. This part only covers the decanates from Aries through the end of Libra.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 29 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Kumar explains the use of the different time cycles in vedic astrology.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 28 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the ascendant (udaya lagna) with trigonometric formula for calculating the ascendant degree.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 27 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the Moon in each of the 27 lunar mansions.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 26 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the twelfth house placed in each of the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 25 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the eleventh house placed in each of the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 24 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the tenth house placed in each of the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 23 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the ninth house placed in each of the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 22 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the eighth house placed in each of the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 21 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the seventh house placed in each of the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 20 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the sixth house placed in each of the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 19 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the fifth house placed in each of the 12 houses. Also gives brief description of the current planetary alignments.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 18 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the fourth house placed in each of the 12 houses. Also gives brief description of the current planetary alignments that are causing fear in world governments.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 17 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the third house placed in each of the 12 houses. Also gives brief description of the planetary alignments for this summer.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 16 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the second house placed in each of the 12 houses. Also gives brief description of the planetary alignments in winter-spring 2002. There is also a section on gemology, yoga and holistic medicine.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 15 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. Kumar explains the effects of the lord of the ascendant placed in each of the 12 houses. Also gives brief description of the planetary alignments for the events succeeding Sept 11, 2001.

The Vedic Divisional Chart used in Western Astrology - By Andrea Malvagna. Andrea takes a look at the divisions used by vedic astrologers and compares them to the bounds and decanates used in western astrology.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 14 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article delineates the meaning of Ketu (South Node) in the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 13 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article delineates the meaning of Rahu (North Node) in the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 12 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article delineates the meaning of the Moon in the 12 houses, and includes an interesting section on holistic medicine and the causes of disease.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 11 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article delineates the meaning of the Sun in the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 10 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article delineates the meaning of Mars in the 12 houses.

Pranic Therapy - An Introduction - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article explains the nature of health from a wholistic perspective and steps to correct imbalances in one's way of life that lead to disease.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 9 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article delineates the meaning of Mercury in the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 8 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article delineates the meaning of Venus in the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 7 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article delineates the meaning of Saturn in the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 6 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article delineates the meaning of Jupiter in the 12 houses.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 5 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article explains the essential dignities, correlations of planets to houses, etc...

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 4 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article explains how to find important chart points using mathematical formula, the sign rulerships and house meanings, etc...

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 3 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article explains the divisions of the lunar mansions giving their names, etc...

How Jupiter's Transit of Taurus Will Affect You - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This explains the current transit of Jupiter.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 2 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article explains precession of the equinoxes and the values of some of the larger cycles from the Brahma Kalpa (Cosmological cycle) to the age cycle, along with the concept of ayanamsa.

Vedic Astrology - Historical Perspective & Uses - Lesson 1 - By G. Kumar - webmaster of Zodiac Computers. This article is the beginning of a series in the basics of Vedic astrology, its history and uses.