Jupiter Conjunct Saturn

© 2004, 2012 Curtis Manwaring

Jupiter Conjunction Saturn Transiting Jupiter conjunct your natal Saturn. This is often a time of balancing liberal and conservative principles. It can be a good time for starting new business ventures and a time for investment and expansion in business, but often growth is slow and cautious. You may be more inclined to be practical now than you might usually be. New ideas come more easily now as some of your usual agnoia may be dispelled.

It is also possible that you might be feeling a burst of freedom from restriction and throw caution to the winds. Much depends upon how other planets are situated in the chart. A balance of perspectives usually works best with this transit. This is a good time for solitude and in fact you may be feeling more reclusive than usual. Use this time for quiet reflection, a visit to a monastery, or a holy place as this transit is especially auspicious for spiritual insight.

If Saturn has the times for spirit, it can indicate an epiphany that leads to enlightenment. If you are normally very conservative it is more likely that there are opportunities available that you have been ignoring, especially if Saturn happens to rule your 12th house.

If Saturn is lord of your first house and has the times for spirit, you may be perplexed about what direction to take in life. Others may urge that you take a chance and do something you wouldn't normally think of. New freedoms may make you feel uncomfortable. You may desire solitude now and feel overwhelmed.

If Saturn is lord of your 2nd and has the times for fortune, you may have to deal with greater expendature than you would like. You may not be able to be as financially cautious as you wish to be and may be forced into taking chances. This may actually be a good thing if Saturn is favorably disposed or in any of its own places.

If lord of the 3rd and Saturn has the times for spirit, your usual environment is changing and opening up new opportunities for you. Relatives and neighbors may offer you a way out of your usual restrictions. It is a good time to begin education or travel. In religious matters this may be a time of uncomfortable clashes between orthodoxy and heresy.

If lord of the 4th and Saturn has the times for fortune, you may purchase land or acquire some sort of foundation or be given a trust with greater responsibility. You may be able to consolidate what you have under a more solid foundation. Old matters and secrets from the distant past may come to light. If you are young it indicates favorable support from ancestors / parents when Saturn has the times for fortune. When Saturn has the times for spirit, it indicates a feeling of contentment or settlement of estate matters.

If lord of the 5th and Saturn has the times for spirit, you may be asked to take care of the children of others, or you may be put in situations that force you to become more expressive often against what you feel might be your better judgement; sometimes it can indicate embarassing situations involving children or emotional situations / love life. If Saturn has the times for fortune, it can be a favorable time for long term investment, if Saturn is in its own places or favorably disposed.

If lord of the 6th and Saturn has the times for fortune, it can indicate a restoration to health if you have recently been sick. When Saturn has the times for spirit, your daily routine is likely to go through changes, especially those related to work and may be asked to take on more responsibility: it can be a precursor to promption assuming Saturn is in a favorable position in the chart.

If lord of the 7th and Saturn has the times for spirit, you may be focused on an important committment such as a marriage or business partnership: other people present new opportunities. If Saturn is unfavorably disposed or maltreated, it can indicate infidelity in marriage or dishonesty in business partnerships (particularly if Saturn has the times for fortune).

If lord of the 8th and Saturn has the times for fortune and is favorably disposed, you may benefit financially through an estate or trust due to a deceased relative or estate / contractual matter. If Saturn has the times for spirit it can indicate a time of lethargy and inactivity.

If lord of the 9th and Saturn has the times for spirit, you may be inclined toward higher education and philosophy and new ways of seeing things. New ways of thinking will be more prevalent, solutions come to old problems. In religious matters, it can indicate a clash between orthodoxy and heresy that needs to be resolved as you are more likely to encounter foreigners and people from distant lands.

If lord of the 10th and Saturn has the times for spirit, it can indicate pending promotion to a higher level of responsibility assuming that Saturn is favorably disposed in the chart. It will indicate a higher profile regardless, so be careful that this is a favorable impression you put forward. If you own a business, this is a time of expansion and new beginnings. When Saturn has the times for fortune (assuming it is well placed natally), it indicates encounters with important individuals who can help you in career.

If lord of the 11th and Saturn has the times for fortune, your social circle may widen and you will have more opportunities to make new friends, particularly those who are willing to support you in your career. Your friends may get a reprieve from tribulations or receive settlements to long standing issues that were troublesome.

If lord of the 12th and Saturn has the times for spirit, you may feel like retreating into yourself for a time of quiet reflection which may lead to an epiphany and enligntenment. If Saturn is unfavorably disposed it can indicate the satisfaction or smugness of enemies for those involved in ego conflicts. For those in the clergy or religious charities it can indicate suffering for the benefit of others.

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