Saturn Conjunct Saturn

© 2004 Curtis Manwaring

Saturn Conjunction Saturn Transiting Saturn conjunct your natal Saturn. This is known as the Saturn return. This period will shape who you are as an adult in society for the next 30 years and is what makes those over 30 different from those under 30 years of age. If you are approaching 30, then you have just gone through a period of testing different adult roles and now finally feel that you are solidified in your identity. You may find that you have to break away from the expectations of others at this time because it is simply not possible to be what they're asking for. You should avoid feeling afraid of disappointing others at this time as this is not the most important issue. It is common to have a change of employment, residence or end a marriage because you have outgrown the person that you used to be at the time that you took on these responsibilities. Similarly, at 58, you may feel you have worn out your identity and that it no longer serves a useful purpose and go through a change of job or residence.

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If Saturn is lord of your 1st house, it is a time of seeking what is important to you and you may be overly demanding of yourself. A serious attitude prevails in your overall outlook of the world. You may have to deal with dental problems, arthritic or bone ailments if you are older.

If lord of the 2nd, you may benefit from simplifying your finances. Sometimes this indicates becoming more strict with resources and increases a tendency to be conservative financially. You are likely to make rapid progress against debt if you have any now.

If lord of the 3rd, you may find yourself socially isolated now. It is a good time for reflection and some come into deep knowledge and greater wisdom. Relatives may become more of a burden. Watch a tendency towards depression or negative thoughts.

If lord of the 4th, you may have to sort out what expectations you think your family has of you and find a balance between satisfying your own needs and fulfilling your familial obligations. You may face issues of guilt based upon heritage or ancestry. Old matters need to be dealt with.

If lord of the 5th, if you have children, now may be an especially trying time for them and for you. Be careful about being too strict and avoid stifling self expression. Family obligations may occult your love life.

If lord of the 6th, you may have to reassess how well your job and your daily routine suit your objectives and goals in life. DIfficulties in this area may lead to health issues such as arthritis, osteoporosis or other bone related ailments. You may find it hard to get away from your responsibilities now.

If lord of the 7th, if you are married or in a serious relationship, this is a time of testing how good your relationship is for eachother. A serious attitude and some tension is likely, but don't be afraid to work out the details of any agreements.

If lord of the 8th, others that you have financial dealings with may not be in a generous mood. If Saturn is well placed natally, it may indicate inheritance through the death of relatives.

If lord of the 9th, you may be having a hard time keeping the faith. It is a time when doubt about your beliefs is likely to be particularly strong. You may find that what you once believed wasn't really true, and this indicates a time when you have to readjust your compass to find your true direction in life.

If lord of the 10th, others may naturally expect you to take the lead in some matters or in career. It is a good time for career advancement if you were born during the day. If born at night, you may not want a leadership role or you may feel like others are setting you up for a fall.

If lord of the 11th, this is a time when you are likely to re-evaluate the importance of some relationships and how involvement in groups is affecting your direction in life. Often one finds their list of friends shrinking at first, but this shall clear the way for relationships that are more suitable to your goals.

If lord of the 12th, this is usually a time for reflection and solitude. Sometimes this is an indication of traveling abroad for some purpose, especially if Saturn should have the times for the lot of spirit at this time.

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