Zoidiasoft Technologies Astrology Software
Pioneering in Hellenistic & Traditional Astrology Software since 1997
Important Announcement: Delphic Oracle is now available for purchase from Project Hindsight.

My Hive Blog @zoidsoft is the best place to get news on what's happening in the tech field (which also affects all software that I've developed here). You can visit https://peakd.com/@zoidsoft to understand how decentralization will affect what software and OS you run in the future as well as my astrological insights into what's going on in the world.

Website Recommendation... The archives of Robert Schmidt are now available... Robert Schmidt was the world's foremost master of Hellenistic Astrology working directly with the original texts in Greek and Latin. If you want to learn from the same sources that I did when programming Delphic Oracle software, this is where you should go.

Credit card access has been replaced by crypto only access. Also, there's no longer an upgrade fee for whole version updates. If you bought version 8 of Delphic Oracle or earlier, email me with your old registration and I'll update you free of charge.

Public Service Announcement from the CEO of Zoidiasoft Technologies There's some changes coming in regard to the management of this website. I'm temporarily discontinuing the macOS version of Delphic Oracle XPF.

I'm no longer using YouTube! Instead, you should expect to see all future videos on Odysee.com - aka LBRY. Sign up to Odysee.com because this platform pays you to watch content in LBRY tokens instead of using your data to sell you to corporations (because you are the product being sold).

The Terran Atlas 64 bit version for macOS has been released. Registered users will find a download link in the registered users area.

The day my software sparked massive IT disruption... Mass adoption curves happen in virtually every successful field, not just bitcoin. I first got involved in Project Hindsight in the summer 1994 but it wasn't until nearly 10 years later that the throng arrived. This is the chronicle of my involvement in developing software for Hellenistic astrology.

Website recommendation... William Stickevers page is another excellent source of information in Hellenisitc and Mundane Astrology. He has also been studying the trends in bitcoin.

Before Robert Schmidt passed on Dec 6, 2018 he identified the founder of Greek / Hellenistic astrology as Eudoxus of Knidos. It will be up to his wife Ellen Black to collate his arguments for the origin of Hellenistic and Greek Astrology.

A significant portion of this website has been redesigned. You can start with the software feature matrix which opens up to several other pages. Also the Hellenistic Astrology Q&A was recently added as well.

The mysteries are encoded here using a composition style that hides secrets in plain sight. Take Exit 30 and pay close attention to detail. If you become lost, there is astrological software to guide you.

Software Title and Description

Delphic Oracle tm v 9.0 software is based upon the translations of historical astrological texts from the Hellenistic era through Medieval, Renaissance and up to the early Modern era and includes various techniques from such ancient authors as Vettius Valens, Antiochus, Hephastio, Dorotheus, Porphyry, Rhetorius, Critodemus, Firmicus Maternus, Ptolemy, Masha-Allah, Ibn Ezra, Bonatti, Regiomontanus, Lilly, Placidus and many others. The author (Curtis Manwaring) has worked with scholars in the field such as Robert Schmidt (read Schmidt's endorsement), Benjamin Dykes, PhD and others to develop software that is true to the intents of the original astrologers of antiquity for the past 20 years and was involved in the Hellenistic field from the beginning of the translation effort known as Project Hindsight. Hank Friedman writing for the Mountain Astrologer has called Delphic Oracle "the gold standard of Traditional Astrology programs, far and away more powerful and better designed than any other software."
Delphic Oracle has been designed in two different frameworks: XPF (Cross Platform) and WL (Windows Library). The Cross Platform version runs on both Windows and macOS, and has superior graphics. Delphic Oracle WL is a less expensive alternative. These versions are explained with a software feature matrix to help you understand the differences.

Delphic Oracle has been designed in two different frameworks: XPF (Cross Platform) and WL (Windows Library). The Cross Platform version runs on both Windows and macOS, and has superior graphics. Delphic Oracle WL is a less expensive alternative. These versions are explained with a software feature matrix to help you understand the differences.

Terran Atlas tm v 2.0 time zone database now has over 13 million records of city, latitude and longitude information for 250 countries, making it the largest database in the field. Now also available for native macOS! It has taken a step in the direction of Google Maps by differentiating between places of different types. You can still type in the name of a city such as "San Francisco, California" or if you aren't sure of the spelling you can place an asterisk in the place name; but place names can be of mountains, lakes, schools, streams, deserts, forests, post offices, hotels, restaurants, churches, parks, dams, hospitals, cemeteries and so on. There are about 700 of these location type definitions included in the Terran Atlas. In the rare event that you can't find your location in the database, you can add it to the database, edit locations and delete as well. The Terran Atlas is a combination of 3 databases; the Geonames database, the Maxmind database and a personal database which I have been working on, all edited to fit the same format. There is a fair amount of overlap between these databases, so the actual number of unique locations is probably in the range of 8 - 10 million. The reason for this is that some locations go by different names or have different spellings for the same location. Even special characters such as the umlaut are included in these spellings. What makes this database unique is the combination of locations and time zone information which can be used for astronomical purposes...


Timaeus tm v 9.1 Pro horary and electional software is a system tray application that runs in the background and shows the passage of the planetary hours and the current rising sign as tray icons that change over time according to astrological conditions. It is like having an "astrological weather forecast" on a continual basis. Timaeus also alerts you with user defined sounds when the alerts you set are triggered or a planetary hour changes. These alerts can be set for planetary positions at a given degree or for when a given planet crosses the horizon and meridian angles. Typically these are most useful in horary astrology (for the judging of questions) and electional astrology (for selecting the right time to do something important). Timaeus is also capable of monitoring natal charts, finding transits and various types of progressions to natal positions and gives interpretations in what could be called an advanced daily horoscope. When you hover the mouse over the icons, a popup hint appears showing the current hour lord, time elapsed and time remaining in minutes, and the ascendant and midheaven degrees. Timaeus not only runs in the background, but you can bring it into the foreground by double clicking (or right clicking for a context menu) which will by default show the transiting chart for the moment set for your current location on the Monitor tab. From there you can compare natal to transits, various progression types, run the graphic ephemeris, rectify the chart, animate transits and progressions, print chart wheels and generate Acrobat reports for various chart analyses...